Dhatus (Tissues)
In Ayurvedic medicine, dhatus are the seven vital tissues of the body. These tissues are responsible for nourishing and supporting the body and include plasma (rasa), blood (rakta), muscle (mamsa), fat (meda), bone (asthi), bone marrow (majja), and reproductive fluid (shukra). Ayurveda believes that each dhatu is created in sequence, with the previous tissue providing the raw materials for the next. The quality and quantity of the dhatus in the body are essential for good health, and imbalances in these tissues can lead to disease.
Ayurvedic practitioners use a variety of techniques, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, to restore balance and improve the health of the dhatus. By focusing on promoting the overall health of the seven dhatus, an individual's health and well-being can be improved.
The seven dhatus are generated in the body starting with:
1) Plasma (Rasa)
2) Blood (Rakta)
3) Muscle (Mamsa)
4) Fat (Medha)
5) Bone (Asthi)
6) Bone Marrow (Majja)
7) Reproductive Fluid (Shukra)
Ojas is the product of this, translated to supreme immunity and vigour.