Describe what health is and basic signs of wellbeing
A healthy person reflects his/her true nature. This is one that has a thirst for knowledge, passion for life and vitality. Health is defined as “a soundness of body, mind and Spirit. Each of these must be nurtured if the individual is to create health.”
Thriving not just merely surviving is health. According to Swami Satchidananda; Integral Yoga believes:
The goal and the birthright of all individuals is to realise the spiritual unity behind the diversity throughout creation and to live harmoniously as members of "one universal family". This goal is achieved by the maintaining of our natural condition as:
a body of optimal health and strength,
senses under total control,
a mind well disciplined, clear, and calm,
an intellect as sharp as a razor,
a will as strong and pliable as steel,
a heart full of unconditional love and compassion,
an ego as pure as crystal, and
a life filled with supreme peace, joy and bliss.
This can be attained through asanas, pranayama, the chanting of holy names, self-discipline, selfless action, mantra japa, meditation, study, and reflection.
The basic signs of wellbeing include:
A desire for nourishing food, comfortable assimilation of the foods eaten, comfortable passing of wastes, lightness of body after eating, very favourable sensory capabilities, easy and sound sleep, easy awakening, a good source of energy, strength and endurance, good complexion and span of life and a positive and cheerful spirit.
If disease (dis-ease) occurs, health is achieved by getting to the cause of the problem. Ayurveda teaches individuals how to heal themselves from a deeper understanding of Self. This enables the individual to follow a daily routine and a seasonal regime to prevent any dosha (humour) to get out of whack.