Dinacharya & Ritucahrya
Dinacharya or the daily routine are daily activities undertaken by use according to the cycles of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The daily routine has tremendous benefits when done with consistency and reverence. Routines can prevent disease, connect one with nature, release stress, help with elimination and absorption of foods, create discipline and peace of mind and create happiness and stability for a person.
An example of a daily routine is drinking lemon water upon rising, or brushing teeth. Even though these are relatively simple, once incorporated into your life, they can have profound benefits for longevity.
With technology being the driving force of today’s modern world, we seem to have lost our connection to the cycles of the natural world. Being in harmony with nature is, in itself, a routine that should be adhered to. The natural world has a rhythm that can help us achieve optimal balance and regulate our nervous systems. Ayurveda makes it clear that Dinicharya is the foundation of any healthy lifestyle.
“The way we eat, sleep, work and enjoy ourselves all have qualities of vata, pitta and kapha.” (Kerela Ayurveda © 2016) Thus, achieving balance is really about balancing the doshas, which doesn’t just happen overnight, but involves a constant work towards optimal equilibrium.
Just asking yourself these questions can determine where you stand in terms of daily routines;
Do I have a consistent bedtime?
Do I get up at the same time everyday?
What activities do I engage in most of the time?
When do I eat my meals?
Do I take time to reflect on my emotional state before eating a meal?
Seasonal Routine or Ritucharya denotes that changes of the seasons can cause doshic imbalance, and although we cannot externally control these changes, we do have the power to control our inner world by maintaining and adapting our lifestyles. A prime example is changing clothing during summer and winter to keep our internal temperature optimal. Rhythm is important, and as humans, it is fundamental that we establish harmony with the seasons.
Vata individuals should pay special attention to stick to the routine, and as challenging as this is for a vata individual to achieve, will be beneficial for their optimal balance. Vata individuals overthink and tend to change their minds very often about diet, routine and work habits. They are usually not consistent in their sleep patterns, so sticking to routines can really tame the rapid changes within.
Pitta should consider cooling down, usually these types are rigid and overly organised and they can become obsessed with over-working, sometimes to their detriment. So pitta types should try and avoid that intensity in their daily routines. Life is supposed to be enjoyed, so letting go of the competitive nature can have a huge benefit to them. Taking a relaxing walk or moon bathing are examples. Pitta types should schedule some rest and relaxation into their daily schedules.
Kapha types should emphasise activity and a variety of activities. Usually they don’t like to change much, but changing things up can be beneficial. Adding variety to daily and seasonal routine can help them achieve optimal balance. This may look like walking one day and dancing the other. Sometimes having variety can really help kapha types to stay motivated.

Ratricharya refers to nightly routines and are just as important as daily or seasonal routines. An example would be to go to bed before 10pm and reduce screen time before sleeping.
Get access to a full list of Ayurvedic Daily, Seasonal and Nightly Routines.