Benefits of Fasting

There are many types of fasts that can be done. Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a great start. There is a body of research indicating that fasting is a natural part of human existence. In times of famine our ancestors would naturally fast. So it only makes sense that we should go periods without an excess of food and beverage. Here is a quote I got from Life Hack the website;

“Starvation literally means starvation. It doesn’t mean skipping a meal or not eating for 24 hours. Or not eating for three days even. The belief that meal skipping or short-term fasting causes “starvation mode” is so completely ridiculous and absurd that it makes me want to jump out the window.” – Martin Berkhan

IF (Intermittent Fasting) shifts the gears of the body to go into fat burning mode, not sugar burning. This helps one loose weight effectively and lowers insulin sensitivity. It does this by allowing the body to burn fat cells and thus making spikes in blood sugar not occur. Once the communication of the body reaches homeostasis, the body uses glucose from the blood more effectively.

Our body metabolizes certain foods better than others. Undigested food becomes toxic to our system and ends up polluting the body environment. According to Ayurveda, toxic build up is eliminated better with herbs and fasting procedures and thus the “burners’ of the body become way more efficient. Burning up toxins (Ama) can help the digestive fire spark some pretty awesome heat to burn calories faster. And remove toxins such as heavy metals from the body more efficiently.

If you want a youthful glow, get ready to do some fasting. It takes the energy away from the process of digestion and puts the energy back into rebuilding collagen, tissues and tendons. This means that the body has more time to focus on the broken stuff and rejuvenates the entire system.

If you partake in fasting, you will be able to tell if your body is experiencing true famine or not. Your body signals will be sharpened and enhanced and finally eating patterns will also improve. This will have a positive effect on your brain function and immunity. Immunity is also known as Ojas in Ayurvedic medicine, and this means that once immunity is improved, the chance for getting the common seasonal flu are limited. Sickness is a thing of the past. Allergies are a thing of the past.

A very popular type of IF is known as the Circadian Rhythm, the fast starts at sunset lasts to morning. This is an easy one for most people to do. Another one is known as 16:8, where a 16 hour fast with an 8 hour eating feeding window is done. This is great if you want to push the boundaries a little more.

Next is 18:6. 18 hour fast with 6 hour feeding window is done. Then there is the 20:4 and finally 36 hour fast, which is a monk fast.

Whichever way you look at it, fasting is a great boost to health. Give it a go.

Lakshmi Harilela
I was cooking since I was 12 years old, alongside my late Father, Mohan Harilela. My family ran restaurants, so I was always sneaking into the kitchens and eating everything I could get my hands on. Since a very young age, I have always had a passion for food, as I was constantly surrounded by it. So I decided to go to Hotel Management School Les Roches in Switzerland for some formal education.

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