Endometriosis part 2

After one and a half months on an Ayurvedic regime, my endometriosis pain has reduced by 30%. Yes you heard this correct 30%.

My last resort was seeing a functional doctor here in Hong Kong who was RUBBISH by the way! I gave up entirely on the functional doctors too, because they are still giving treatment advice based on Western Medical Systems. They are doing the exact same things as Western Medical systems and this means there is no cure for endometriosis, but rather a management of the symptoms. Now I know I am not a doctor, thank god. If I were, I would be brain washed into thinking that hormonal treatments are the only way forward. Whilst there are tonnes of evidence based research that oestrogen dominance causes endometrial growth, taking too much or too little of synthetic hormones can really mess with your system.

The functional doctor prescribed me the exact same treatment as normal western doctors, PROGESTERONE! Yet she prescribed a different kind; bio-identical progesterone. Basically progestin and progesterone can be either synthetic or body identical. Always take the bio-identical if you have to take it. They say that body identical is better as the body recognises it and can assimilate and metabolise it better. Nevertheless, my body couldn't tolerate it, and I became sensitive to it. Bloated, angry and sleepy.

So, I finally approached my Indian Ayurvedic Doctor in India, Dr. Lineesha (a specialist in herbal gynaecology) who said that Endometriosis is a complex disease, but Ayurveda has numerous answers to it. She immediately told me to stop taking these hormones, saying that the body can become addicted to hormones. I was put on Asokaritham, an Ayurvedic herbal tonic which is useful for the treatment of menstrual disorders like Irregular Menstruation, Helpful in Excessive bleeding, Irregular Periods, Women related disorders such as fibroids, PCOS, Endometriosis and even pelvic pain.

Primary Dysmonorrhea is pain association with ovulatory cycles without obvious signs of pathology in the reproductive organs. It is common with teens and usually goes away into adulthood. It can start at the beginning of the menstrual period but usually goes away. Secondary Dysmenorrhea, however, is pain related to underlying reasons of pelvic pathology and include:

  • Endometriosis

  • Adenomyosis

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Fibroids of the uterus

Causes of dysmenorrhea are commonly caused by contractions in the uterus by a chemical called prostaglandin. During menstruation, the uterus contracts, aiming to clean itself. In Ayurvedic medicine, Vata governs this action. The flow of menstrual blood out of the body is due to Apana vata which situated in the pelvic floor (its movement is downward and out). When Apana Vata moves in the opposite direction, it causes severe pelvic pain, cramps, and feeling of being stabbed in the pelvic region.

Causes of Apana Vata retrograde:

  • Lack of physical exercise

  • Use of more oily spicy and salty food

  • Lack of personal hygiene

  • Poor digestion

  • Vata imbalances

More about the Kayachikitsha for Endometriosis treatment in Part 3

Lakshmi Harilela
I was cooking since I was 12 years old, alongside my late Father, Mohan Harilela. My family ran restaurants, so I was always sneaking into the kitchens and eating everything I could get my hands on. Since a very young age, I have always had a passion for food, as I was constantly surrounded by it. So I decided to go to Hotel Management School Les Roches in Switzerland for some formal education.

Endometriosis part 3: Ayurvedic MANAGEMENT (Kayachikitsha)


Endometriosis Part 1: MY STORY PART ONE