Endometriosis part 3: Ayurvedic MANAGEMENT (Kayachikitsha)

I am living proof that Ayurveda has some pretty awesome treatment options for women suffering from Endometriosis. It is reversible, and, better yet, curable. No way a Western Doctor will tell you this. They just want you to get unnecessary surgeries and take their prescription medications.

I am not against emergency surgery, I even admire surgery when it is necessary but when it isn’t necessary, a women should explore all her options before being prompted to remove her uterus completely.

The first line of treatment for anything to do with women’s issues comes in the form of Panchakarma. Panchakarma therapies benefit acute and chronic pain. Some of these include, Abhyanga – Warm oil massage with Vata balancing ingredients. Usually castor oil massage is very helpful in dissolving scar tissue and fibroids and even excess endometrial tissue. Ayurvedic massage enables Vata to move in the right direction and just like Lord Ganesh, remove the obstruction. I have found that this practise in combination with taking supplements such as Serrapeptase and Natokinese can escalate the healing and remove unwanted scar tissue from adhesions to form. (*Please note that this article is not medical advice, and you should seek your medical advice from your healthcare practitioner.)

An Alternative to Castor oil massage are castor oil packs, but please note that these need to be done using a traditional cotton flannel. This method drives the castor oil deep into the tissues to remove AMA (toxic sludge) and start to dissolve cysts, fibroids and scar tissue. There is not enough research into the field of woman’s health, but a lot of this information can be found in the traditional Ayurvedic texts. * (please refer to research pages)

Another practise is known as Vasti which is a medicated enema using various medicated oils and decoctions after massage and steam therapy. This can only be conducted by a qualified Panchakarma therapist or doctor. Uttar Basti is a procedure where therapeutic herbs are administered inside uterus via the vaginal canal. These strengthen and tones the uterus removing blockages and reducing inflammation. By providing more nutrition to the uterus, it is able to balance its hormonal endocrine system and begin detoxing all the AMA (toxins or excess dosha) from the system.

The last most effective panchakarma technique is that of Virechana known therapeutic purgation. This removes all the toxins via the anal canal. A heavy strong purgative is giving to the patient after all the Ama is drawn to the digestive tract for elimination.

Key Herbs Mentioned in Classic Ayurveda:

Ayurvedic Herbs

Shatavari powder, Sukumaran Kashayam, Asokaristham, Chandrapravati, Kumaryasava

If you are curious about the management for Fibroids, Endometriosis, PCOS, Infertility and Pelvic Pain, please seek counselling from a registered Ayurvedic Doctor and/or Practitioner. As the treatments are very individualised for each women. Just because two women have endometriosis it doesn’t mean that their line of treatment and diagnosis will be the same. Each one is unique and the pathology to get to diagnosis is always unique to every aspect of the woman.

I am a living proof that Ayurveda works. Please if you are tired of the medical system for treating your cyclical pain, please try this ancient system of health. If it can work for me, it can work for you too.

*This article is published for the sole purpose sharing Ayurvedic knowledge. Do not use this for self-treatment. Please consult the guidance of an experienced Ayurveda Doctor and/or practitioner.

Lakshmi Harilela
I was cooking since I was 12 years old, alongside my late Father, Mohan Harilela. My family ran restaurants, so I was always sneaking into the kitchens and eating everything I could get my hands on. Since a very young age, I have always had a passion for food, as I was constantly surrounded by it. So I decided to go to Hotel Management School Les Roches in Switzerland for some formal education.

Detoxing the Ayurvedic Way


Endometriosis part 2